I’m grateful that I allow myself time to create because I love to.
I’m grateful for the large cup of coffee, oat milk, and honey that I make for myself every morning, not only because it tastes great, but because it keeps my bowel movements consistent.
I’m grateful for name-brand toilet paper because the bullshit I’m working with right now is extremely disappointing.
I’m grateful for my over-zealous neighbor that keeps talking about the obnoxious “Trumpers” when all I want to do is finish walking my dog… I know this may sound sarcastic, but honestly, I am. I know more about her and her son than I do about some of my friends, and I love that for us.
I’m grateful for the weekly game nights with my boyfriend’s family because I’ve (almost) learned to quell my heightened frustration when I don’t win (they’re all fucking smart).
I’m grateful for JK Rowling, obviously…
I’m grateful for the inspiration that comes to visit me every so often, although, I wish it would choose more opportune times because 3 am is honestly, rude.
I’m grateful for the actors in my class — they get me… they see me.
I’m beyond grateful for goat cheese and cashew cheese… my life would genuinely be a lot worse without it. Thanks, Miyoko’s Kitchen and Crooked Creek.
I’m grateful for those writers that inspire me – hi, Lena Dunham, Liz Gilbert, Issa Rae, and Elaine Welteroth.
I’m grateful for the Saks 5th Avenue jacket someone left at my birthday party last year — it keeps me warm in the biting 40-degree weather every morning. (Don’t worry, I asked around and no one claimed it… my thievery days are well behind me)
Grateful for JT Firstman’s impressions — look him up.
I’m grateful for the crystals that I surround myself with, really buying into their healing powers. Feeling angry? Grab the aragonite. Feeling unsure? Grab the clear quartz. Feeling stuck? Grab the selenite.
Grateful that I can carry out a conversation with ease, because damn… feeling anxious about talking to other people would be an absolute drag.
Yes, I’m grateful for my friends and family and dog and meditation practice, but frankly, you’ve heard that all before. Really though, I’m just waiting for the Bachelorette contestant that says, “you know, family’s really not that important to me.”
I’m grateful I enjoy putting up Christmas decorations, because our house looks cute as heck.
Finally, grateful that I can do hard things, and that I have the drive to do them.